Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Brief Update

I was recently overjoyed to discover that this blog, which I was writing for my own therputic reasons, was actually being read still by others! I was blessed to know that my journey has opened insights for others which they've been able to use in their own stuggles. I plan to prepare a more thorough update, but in the meantime I'd like to share with you a very accurate description of my current state of mind that was actually barrowed from a friend.

"I am sad every single day.....
But I am not sad all day."

I miss my boy greatly, but I am healing. Currently, I am recording all my experiences to share with those who care for me and have been so caring to me. (I have no aspiration of publicizing my writings, but I hope to bring understanding and clarity to those who love us.) Hopefully, while I struggle with that endeavor I'll be able to post some of the insights here as well.

In short, I have not fallen off the face of the earth. I've just gotten out more and found healing in activities other than writing!

Thanks for caring!

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