Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Proof for Heaven

The Pain is the Proof
Written by Andi Morice
March, 14, 2008

Evolutionists say that all the adaptations we have evolved were birthed after a series of needs or inefficiencies were realized and struggles began to meet those needs. Eyes evolved because of a need to sense the light spectrum. Ears evolved as one way to sense wave movement in the air around us. I have always laughed at the absurdity of the belief that this could happen even once much less over and over, millions upon millions of times to create the many varied and specifically suited life forms alive today. But today this clarity of understanding has brought me comfort in a new and much more personal way.

Since life began it has also been ending. Most organisms have gotten very comfortable with the “cycle of life” because there is no getting around it. If you’re an evolutionist, you’d realize that organism had to evolve a way to deal with death because they would have been continually confronted with it. Just like they evolved tentacles to grab pray to survive, they would have had to evolve apathy about death or at least a mechanism to deal with it in order to continue to live after their mothers were eaten and maintain enough presence of mind to run so as to not be eaten themselves.

So, why has this not happened in humans? Why haven’t we “evolved” a way to cope with death? If we could evolve eyes and hearts and legs – why not a coping mechanism to deal with something much more pressing and certain like death?

Why? Because we didn’t evolve!

We were created with the intention that we would be together forever. We were given memory, love, compassion and host of other things to help us maintain relationships for a lifetime that was intended to last eternally. And there is the proof for heaven. We are created beings given exactly what we need to survive eternally. The grief is the proof that we were never intended to be apart and the longing for out loved ones is the evidence that we will be together again one day.

If it was any other way we would have protected ourselves against the inefficiencies of grief several millennia ago. Grief incapacitates, removes our desire to thrive, fills the mind with confusion and eliminates productivity. Now, why would a being looking for every way to thrive and survive evolve a mechanism like that?

Answer – it wouldn’t and didn’t. It’s God’s proof, hope, truth and comfort given to us to help our relationships endure even during the most agonizing of separations. Grief is the very proof that heaven and those we love are waiting for us.

Grief is actually a part of the hope. Our pain is the proof of heaven to come!


Unknown said...

Okay, since I truly believe luck and coincidences being God's way of remaining anonymous, I now HAVE TO share with you another 'photo story.' The author? The Holy Spirit...of course ;oD
I was scrolling through pictures on my ipod recently and came to one of my favorite photos from my wedding. The one where the focus is mostly on Cody, still so baby-faced, and you hunched over signing our guest book. It saddened me to see that Nick is behind his brother, and his head is blocked. I know pictures aren't the real-deal, but as sentimentally mushy I am over a picture, I was hoping they were both viewable in the picture.
Anyways, I was searching through our master copies on the home computer for something, and boy did God bless me! I "found" (as if it was ever REALLY "lost"..ha ha) a picture of Nick. Not just any picture, but one that is burned in my memory, and my palm...ha ha You see, the picture is while receiving our wedding guests, just outside the sancuary. You are in the background. I remember exactly what you said with tears in your eyes. You expressed how overjoyed you were for Sean's salvation and how blessed you were to be able to be at our wedding. And surprise him with your parents attending, too.
Then comes the boys! Nick slapped my hand so hard it stung, as he yelled, GOTCHA! Only to have little bro. repeat the gesture, not quite as hard. It was on!!! This began the game in which I'm sure he played with everyone, but Briana and I enjoyed more than they realize. Oh how wonderful God is! He knew how indulgent I can sometimes be when it comes to the "perfect photo." He humors me in this area. If a picture says a thousand words, I can usually pull a bit more out of it.
I also remember Mon. Feb. 18, at the mall, seeing you with the kids at the ATM machine. We could finally even the score. So Briana pulled a GOTCHA! and scored one for the girls.
Now every time I hear GOTCHA! by Cody or Briana or whomever, I am reminded not just of Nick, but of 1Peter 4:12&13(The Message reads...)
Oh how I long for the GRIN on God's face when we meet face to face. How He delights in the GOTCHA! moments when we are frightened, emotionally shot, or just wandering our "valley", and he unexpectantly surprises us, reaveals insigt to us, blesses us monitarly, picks us up in His big, strong arms to snuggle us and hold us like only He can. And Andi, every "snuggle buddie" moment you shared with your son, was wrapped in the Father's arms around the both of you. That's how much He loves you.
It doesn't surprise me that God is in the details, it stuns me when He allows me to realize it, and humbles me to praise the God of wonders(and the GOTCHA!)-Jodee

La Familia Garcia said...

This is a great new way of looking at grief....and having hope..